Data-Centric AI in the Real World
Tech Hailey(박성민) . Tech Hailey(박성민) .

Data-Centric AI in the Real World

Just like a car needs fuel to move and a recipe requires ingredients to make a meal, artificial intelligence systems also need their own kind of fuel and materials, which is data. Explore the practical applications of data in the real world through this blog.

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Three issues with handling data in AI models (Data! Data! Data!)
Insight Hailey(박성민) . Insight Hailey(박성민) .

Three issues with handling data in AI models (Data! Data! Data!)

Data is frequently mentioned in AI model development for service improvement. While discussing models and optimization methods can be found in school lessons and online lectures, it is difficult to find methodologies related to data in practice because the task is challenging. Now, let's take a closer look at the reasons why data-related tasks are difficult when developing AI models.

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