Upstage is

In the center of new world powered by AI, Upstage is creating a more beneficial and inclusive culture where everyone can participate. As a company that provides AI solutions and a visionary leader in the AI ecosystem, the experience and 'excellent colleagues' gained while pioneering a path that no one has walked before will be the driving forces that will make Upstage of tomorrow better than it is today.

Upstage Way

  • All members move as a team towards a common goal.

  • All information and decisions are shared clearly and transparently.

  • We do not stop striving for both personal and professional growth.

  • Ponder once more whether it is the best way for the best result.

  • Make choices that you can be proud of.

Culture & Benefits

Upstage's culture and system are constantly evolving.


Autonomous and flexible remote work environment

Autonomous and flexible remote work environment
Autonomous and flexible remote work environment

We freely establish the optimal work space and time according to the individual’s living environment. Upstage members are working remotely from their homes, cafes, and shared offices in various regions like Seoul, Jeju, LA, and Hong Kong without additional sharing or reporting.

When using a separate work space other than at home, we support space usage fees, such as drinks and flat-rate tickets. In consideration of the convenience and efficiency of all members, a work environment set-up fee of KRW 5 million is given to the new member when joining the company, and an additional upgrade fee of KRW 5 million is provided to congratulate the member on their first year with the company.

  • Remote working system
  • Flexible working hours
  • Support for work environment set-up expenses
  • Support for office space usage fee

Unsparing support for the growth of members

Unsparing support for the growth of members
Unsparing support for the growth of members

The growth of our members is synonymous with the growth of the company. Unlimited support for participation and purchase costs, such as work-related seminars, workshops, books, and software.

Every Friday is a 'No-Meeting Day' to ensure time for individual intensive work hours or to study together. We share insights from outstanding colleagues on a wide range of topics, including weekly AI seminars, business strategy, and organizational culture. We promote growth together through AI studies and seminars for non-developer members. In addition, we always support the cost of dinner and tea time when meeting for teambuilding and work.

  • Support for self-development expenses
  • Software purchase support
  • No-meeting Day
  • AI seminars for non-developer members
  • Support for dinner and tea time expenses

An essential condition for shared growth - the well-being of our members

An essential condition for shared growth - the well-being of our members
An essential condition for shared growth - the well-being of our members

The psychological stability and physical health of employees are important for continued mutual growth with the company. Without reporting and approval, you can freely use your vacation without limiting the number of times, just by sharing it with your colleagues. We support employee group insurance and health check-up costs that can be received by the person and one accompanying person once a year. (Overseas residents can use this when entering Korea)

We value time with family. We provide money gifts in case of childbirth or adoption to wish a speedy recovery and the best for starting a new family. Should one of our members adopt a pet , a fixed amount from a support fund is paid to congratulate the pet for finding a new family.

  • Free vacation
  • Employee group insurance
  • Health check-up cost support
  • Birth and adoption congratulatory money gift
  • Pet adoption congratulatory money gift

Current Openings

Upstage is always looking for colleagues who want to share our dream of creating a better world with AI.