Enhancing Tax Administration Efficiency Using the Latest Document AI Technology: Customer Success Stories

2024/07/19 | Jisu Yim


Recent trends in tax work include digital transformation and automation. In line with these changes, the CEO of The Best Tax Firm has developed a program using Upstage’s Layout Analysis technology to significantly enhance work efficiency. The introduction of the latest cutting-edge technologies, such as Document AI, is essential for complex work such as inheritance tax-related tasks, which require the processing of large amounts of documents.


Tax administrations require the analysis and processing of various documents. For example, bank transaction statements, credit card slips, lease contracts, and various other forms of documents need considerable time to manually analyze one-by-one. Bank transaction statements are mostly provided in PDF formats by banks, making them difficult to work with, while credit card slips are hard to transfer into an organized Excel format. These issues significantly hinder the operational efficiency of tax accountants.

To address the challenges in this field, the following needs must be taken into consideration:

  • Document Automation: Converting PDF documents to Excel for easy data analysis.

  • Fast Data Processing: Swiftly handling large volumes of documents for enhanced operational efficiency.

  • Accurate Data Analysis: Utilizing AI for precise data extraction and analysis.


The CEO of The Best Tax Firm has developed a program that automates document analysis processes using Upstage’s OCR and Layout Analysis technology.

Key Features

  1. PDF → JPG File Conversion

    • Image preprocessing to improve OCR accuracy

  2. Excel Conversion / Table Extraction

    • Conversion of JPG files to Excel for easy data analysis

  3. Excel File Merging

    • Integration of various documents into a single Excel file

This program, designed to efficiently process various documents, is expected to significantly raise work efficiency. A wide distribution is planned for the near future, allowing for more extensive use.

Why Upstage?

The CEO of The Best Tax Firm has experience utilizing various OCR tools. He have evaluated Upstage’s Korean OCR performance as exceptional, particularly receiving a deep impression of its speed and precision.

User Feedback & Evaluation

The CEO of The Best Tax Firm has tested various third-party Layout Analysis tools such as RPDF, ABBYY, and Naver CLOVA, but was particularly impressed by Upstage’s product performance. Upstage stood out for its speed and accuracy, outshining competitors with its exceptional capabilities in Korean OCR.

  • Upstage: Received high praise for its outstanding Korean OCR performance, swiftly and accurately recognizing documents.

  • Naver CLOVA: High Korean language recognition accuracy, but found to be slower than Upstage.

  • GPT-4: Capable in general text recognition, but its table recognition performance falls short of Upstage.

Through Upstage’s OCR and Layout Analysis technology, the CEO of The Best Tax Firm has received significant assistance in document automation and data processing, greatly enhancing work efficiency. This is an excellent user case, demonstrating how Upstage’s technology can pioneer innovation in tax and accounting responsibilities.

Key Takeaways

The case of The Best Tax Firm demonstrates how AI and OCR technology can significantly raise efficiency in tax and accounting tasks. Utilizing Upstage’s OCR and Layout Analysis technologies for document automation and data processing makes assignments easier for tax accountants, allowing them to provide faster and more accurate services.

By actively adopting these technologies, tax and accounting firms can maximize work efficiency and provide better services to their clients. The latest AI and OCR advancements bring innovation to document processing, becoming essential tools for improving business operations’ speed and accuracy.

Experience Work Automation Right Now Through the Latest AI Technology from Upstage!

Do you want to maximize work efficiency? Experience the innovation in document processing using Upstage’s Document AI Technology.


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